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          Luke, 11:10.

You are the white doorway to the heavens,           John 10:9.
always open to the one who knocks, where           Hebrews 1;3.
the splendor of darkness—heart of the divine—
is opened. The leaves of the door open wide
—on the right is justice and on the left
is mercy—and on the hinges of the rosary
they open readily to the solid
wood—a firm support—of the cross.
The lintel of your cross is the tomb of Adam,
and resting on the crossbar is a scowling
Lucifer lurking in the darkness!
Poor Lucifer, star of the evening,
converted into a shadow of darkness,
fallen from heaven like a bolt of lightening!
Give him your hand, Lord, and let him pour
his shadow into the darkness of your Father
and become, once again, a morning star!
The heavens are rent; you are an opening
to God, and the one who sees Him
through You will die; he dies of love
and then recovers his life,
a life that never dies. And your cross
is a bridge made from tears and blood
that leads us to You, since you are the white
doorway to the house of God, leading us
through the somber depths of this poor world
which surrounds the celestial Castle!

Miguel de Unamuno
Translation by Armand F. Baker

«The Christ of Velazquez» (1920)
First part

español Original version

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