Asistentes Virtuales

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A huge trunk stranded where the river flows
Lies the strong alligator in our sight,—
Spine like a mountain chain of rugged height,
Abysmal jaws, a mighty tail for blows.

Round him the sunlight like a halo glows;
He seems encased in shining armor bright—
A metal monster that reflects the light,
And, as it glitters, changeful color shows.

Motionless like an idol, girt around
With strong steel mail, he lies upon the shore,
In gloomy ecstasy reposing there,

Like to a prince by some enchantment bound,
Condemned to dwell a prisoner evermore
Within a river's crystal palace fair.


José Santos Chocano
Translation by

«Alma América» (1906)

enlace Francisco Villaespesa - EL CAIMÁN
inglés Translation by Dale Favier
inglés Translation by Caitlin Gildrien
inglés Translation by Luisa A. Igloria
inglés Translation by Jean Morris
inglés Translation by Dave Bonta
español Original version

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