Beneath the white wings of your arms,
which are open, like those of a mother
holding a child who is learning to walk, Luke 13:31..
like a hen who protects her chicks,
you shelter us. Your two arms are wings
that open and bring our sweet death
to life; they open like the white sails
of your divine heart which travel
over the deep and boundless sea
beyond our vision. Your white arms
are two radiant wings of God, Genesis 1:2.
wings of the Spirit that moves over
the face of the dark waters filled with
the pain of living. Your arms reach
in both directions, Sower who sows
your blood in our hearts; on them
sprout lilies of whiteness. Then,
from the white cloud where you rest,
with the same hand with which you sow,
you cast to earth the scythe that will Revelation 14:14.
reap your harvest when it is time!
Miguel de Unamuno
Translation by Armand F. Baker