Then Moses made a bronze serpent and set Numbers 21:6-9; Deuteronomy 8:15.
it on a pole in the desert; if a fiery serpent
or a scorpion bit any man he would
look at the bronze serpent and be healed;
white serpent, with compassionate eyes
which see all human sorrow, you heal
whoever looks at you. The original
serpent, the dragon that rebelled
against God, coiled wickedly around
the tree of knowledge and tempted
our parents, bringing perdition to the world.
And You, white dragon of our salvation
hanging from the Tree of Death,
accept all the poison from our sorrow.
Your love is awesome, Dragon of fire,
from whom the waters of life are flowing.
With his hatchet the woodcutter of death
mutilated our tree of knowledge
by carving your cross like he carves a horse,
and on it he was strangled to death
between your strong arms of love!
Miguel de Unamuno
Translation by Armand F. Baker