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I don't know if for certain, but I imagine
that a man and a woman
fall in love one day,
little by little they come to be alone,
something in each heart tells them that they are alone,
alone on the earth they enter each other,
they go on killing each other.
It all happens in silence. The way
light happens in the eye.
Love unites bodies.
They go on filling each other with silence.

One day they wake up, over their arms.
Then they think they know the whole thing.
They see themselves naked and they know the whole thing.

(I’m not sure about this. I imagine it).

Jaime Sabines
Translated by W.S. Merwin

«Horal» (1950)

audio Voice: Jaime Sabines
inglés Translated by Colin Carberry
francés Traduction Française par Émile Martel
italiano Traduzione di Marco Di Terlizzi
español Original version

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