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I don’t love my homeland.
Its abstract splendor
is beyond my grasp.
Still (though it sounds bad)
I’d give my life
for ten places there,
certain folks,
ports, forests, deserts, fortresses,
a city in ruins, ashen, monstrous,
various historical figures,
and three or four rivers.


José Emilio Pacheco
Translated by Katherine M. Hedeen and Víctor Rodríguez Núñez

«No me preguntes cómo pasa el tiempo» [1964-1968] (1969)
II. Mira cómo son las cosas

Voz: José Emilio Pacheco Voz: José Emilio Pacheco
Voz: Gabriela Cantú Voz: Gabriela Cantú
inglés English Translation by Alastair Reid
español Versión original

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