My son, don't be a fool, keep your freedom;
Since you love well, don't tie the knot.
Have, if you can, six hundred faces,
Seek loves, not love, that's too much fuss.
To this lady and to that, give satisfaction
But don't give in, that's just for foolish boys.
If someone tells you that you do wrong,
Cover your ears and let hundreds talk.
Believe me, there is no greater pleasure
Than to draw blood and defame to the extreme;
Even if the trick costs much, it's worth it.
Roam the high seas under sail and oar,
Keep your feet dry and fish all you may,
Without having to say I'm afraid or not.
Be for your father a Polyphemus,
Calling dark Mandinga, Galatea,
Beautiful Phoenix, the most ugly.
Ply your skills on a hundred for me,
Lend them your jewels for a while.
They are all the same below the waist.
Give not two straws for any,
Attack, for there is no Virginia alive,
To offend this world with her disdain.
And the one who acts a diva,
In her haughtiness follow her plan,
The game is fiercer than any mastiff.
Busy yourself with a hundred,
But have only one in your thoughts.
Attend to one there and then go elsewhere,
For the world is made like this:
One person is the scourge of those who suffer,
They are only a hair away from the beasts.
And because I fear
You will squander your fortune,
Spend it with caution, I say;
Set a plate for all
With a million million promises,
And enter with a single and two dams.
Diego Hurtado de Mendoza
Translation by Adrienne Laskier Martín