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Forsaken by God, your Father,
who with His hands received your spirit,
you rise up on this painful throne
of solitude above the barren ground
on the hill of the skull, above the forest
of lifeless souls who waited for
your death, which is their life. An austere
throne of solitude! You, alone,
forsaken by God and by men and angels,
link between heaven and earth, you die,
oh Lion of Judah, King of the Desert
and of solitude! You know the soul’s
solitudes, and You convert all men
into just one man; You unite us,
and with your help the souls roll on
in a single wave. Because You died,
oh Jesus Christ, to bring together           John 11:52.
all the scattered children of God:
only one flock with just one shepherd.

Miguel de Unamuno
Translation by Armand F. Baker

«The Christ of Velazquez» (1920)
Second part

español Original version

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