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My body was there no one used it.
I put it to suffer I put a man inside of it.
But this sad horse-like matter
If it is hungry, it neighs verses to me,
If it dreams, he kicks me on the horizon;
I put it to discuss and liberate forests,
Only to me he appears when he kisses

I don't know what to do with this body of mine,
Someone rented it to me, I don't know when
They gave it to me naked, clean, tame,
It was innocent when I put it on myself,
But from time to time,
The reason it dirties me and the adorable thing

I want to return it like it was delivered to me;
I know that it is time that they gave it to me.


Manuel del Cabral

«Los huéspedes secretos» (1951)

Voice: Manuel del Cabral Voice: Manuel del Cabral

español Original version

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