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Allow me to rest,
to loosen the muscles of my heart
and let my soul slumber
so I can speak,
so I can remember these days,
the longest in story.
Barely recovering from our anguish
we are weak,easily frightened,
waking up two or three times from fitful sleep
to see you in the night and to make sure you are breathing.
We need to awaken to be more awake
to this nightmare full of people and noises.
You are the invulnerable trnuk and we are your branches,
which is why this axe blow makes us quiver.
Face to face with your dead not once have stopped
to think of dead,
or see you as anything but energy and happiness.

Jaime Sabines

«Algo sobre la muerte del mayor Sabines» (1973)

francés French Translation
español Original version

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