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My friend, ungrateful Love, who well must know
with what pure constancy my faith I keep,
exerting his base pride, which is to heap
upon his dearest friend his heaviest woe,—

fearing that if I write, and publish so
his deeds, his grandeur I abate, his force
not equalling his spite, has had recourse
to the fierce intervention of my foe;

and in the noble part with which I wield
the sword, and that which gives intelligence
of our conceptions, I have wounded been;

but I will take good care that the offence
shall cost the offender dear, now I am healed,
offended, free, and for repayment keen.

Garcilaso de la Vega
Translation by Jeremiah Holmes Wiffen


facsímil Edición Facsímil Obras de Garci Lasso con anotaciones de Fernando de Herrera
inglés Translation by John Dent Young
ruso Перевод А. Косс
español Original version

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