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This framework of flesh and bones
has finally tired of carrying around
this crazy head, and I am not surprised;
although it is true that I am not old,

when I think of how I have lived
this life, it pains me to say
that the way I have lived it feels like
I have squeezed a century into each day.

So, if I were to die right now,
I could never say I have not lived;
though the garment looks new outside,
I know that, on the inside, it has aged.

Yes, it has aged, despite my lucky star!,
my painful determination shows that clearly;
because there is pain that leaves its scar
on the heart, but not on the forehead.


Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
English Translation by Armand F. Baker

«Rimas» (Edición 1871)
Libro de los gorriones (nº32)

manuscrito / manuscript Manuscrito BNE
Voice: Antonio Mula Franco Voice: Antonio Mula Franco

español Original version

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