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The evening was mysterious, divine;
Eudora, yet more lovely than before:
and in her eyes there was a spark of fire,
a fierce exultant joy, achieved by wine.

From the high tier, the name she called was mine!
Thanking my stars, I left the place with her,
gentle and bold, as one who leads a star.
Oh, but her voice was tremulous and fine.

And that forbidden fruit unprincipled
wrapped herself in her mantle, and, forgetting
decorum, sought with me the field of honour!

A fine adventure, lovingly recalled.
Rather than dream, I write a sonnet on her,
to catch my sigh, a pearl in a golden setting.

Veracruz. July 1900


Salvador Díaz Mirón
Translation by Timothy Adès

«Lascas» (1901)

Voice: Leonelli Marcela Voice: Leonelli Marcela
español Original version

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