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Lake Budi, sombre, dark heavy stone,
unburied water between high forest,
there you opened, like a subterranean door,
near the solitary sea at the end of the Earth.
We galloped over the infinite sands
joined to the flowing richness of spume,
not a house, not a man, not a horse,
only time going by, and that green and white shore,
that ocean.
Then towards hills, and, of a sudden,
the lake, a solid, secretive water,
compact light, gem of an earthly ring.
A flight, white and black: swans being banished,
long necks of nocturnal darkness, webs of scarlet skin,
and the clear snow flying over the world.

O flight from water’s meaning,
thousand bodies destined to beauty unshaken
like the lake’s pellucid permanence.
Suddenly, the whole, was a rush over water,
motion, sound, turrets of full moon,
and then wild wings making order from whirlwind,
a grandeur, flying, a beating,
and then, absence, white tremor of void.


Pablo Neruda
Translation by A. S. Kline

«Memorial de Isla Negra» [1962-1964] (1964)

español Original version

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