More boorish daily threshold
lunatic fate
mobile carnivores' driest thirst
and magic rapt cajolery of alb albatross aurora
most sacred flesh lay of hyperhoneyed vibratile pubescents order of sextomb gondola
in the gullet of the gully out of the fertile mother of godcome
although postedium stretches its crayfish beds out to eunuch oblivion
more mute limp psalms
hands lunar roads beauty marks
drinks of wings
more bitch of a blind hunt after truth volatile ineternal extraharlotree
more jaguars longing
prolix terraqueous liquidations in collapse extreme pansurrender from the bony fide
boughs to the panicky cornea
to each lodger dream of pre-not-to-be waning
to each stony hope
love-lorn gaudy born
taut swoon meeting over tibias oboes with sidekick spasms
since even the grease interulcerates the dry masticuline mammaries
and the very floor spilled is a preverse fetus foretold if mused in flight
most sacred sick bellyful pregnant with pap rich rhyme so much featherless
parrotgibbonish vaticrap
but truncated hyperhours unthought acephalous dubifetuses and impacts of total disgust
although the quotedium sugarsulphurs its packs of hounds absorbent airholes of yawns
Oliverio Girondo
Translation by Molly Weigel