Master, are you dead, or are you
calmly sleeping the sleep of the just?
For three days your death was a reverie,
a dream much longer than your others;
Christ, you dreamed the dreams of Man,
while your heart stayed awake. An angel
gently placed that blessing of human
calmness on your brow, that precursor
of the final rest from this drudgery;
the soft, black wings of the angel
formed a canopy of silence and forgetfulness
over your eyes; the soil of our
mother earth was your bed; at your side,
meditating on itself with arms crossed,
was the Word. Tell us, were you dreaming?
Were you dreaming of your Father’s kingdom?
Was your life a dream like ours,
perhaps? In the quiet center of your soul
was there an exact copy of our Father’s
dream of life? Tell us, Brother, what else
could our life be but a dream of your life?
Is that not what our faith makes us want,
nothing more than the dream of your
works, Christ! You made the heavens,
a cluster of stars of good fortune;
for us you created the night of the soul
like a sumptuous mantle of endless illusion!
Because of you, the arms of the Lord
rock us with the motion of the heavens
and in the silence of the night He adorns
the sky with a sprinkle of lights.
So your dream is the peace that brings war,
and your life, the war that brings peace!
Miguel de Unamuno
Translation by Armand F. Baker