Asistentes Virtuales

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Do not stand still
by the roadside
Do not freeze the joy
Do not want reluctantly
Do not save yourself now
Or ever
Do not save yourself
Do not fill yourself with calm
Do not book in the world
just a quiet corner
Do not lower the eyelids
Heavy as judgments
Do not stand without lips
Do not sleep without sleep
Do not think without Blood
Do not judge yourself out of time

But if
you can not help it
and you freeze the joy
and want reluctantly
and you save yourself now
and book in the world
just a quiet corner
and lower the eyelids
heavy as judgments
And you dry without lips
and you sleep without sleep
and you think without blood
And you judge yourself out of time
and you stand still
By the roadside
And you save yourself
Do not stay with me


Mario Benedetti
Translated by Ayane

«Poemas de otros» (1973-1974)
Canciones de amor y desamor

enlace version
Voice: Mario Benedetti Voice: Mario Benedetti
Voice: Mario Benedetti Voice: Mario Benedetti (Universidad de Alicante)
Canción: Illapu Canción: Illapu
audio Voice: Leonelli Marcela
video Video facebook de Mario Benedetti
francés Traduction Française par Olivier Favier
italiano Traduzione di Martha L. Canfield
español Original version

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