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Here we are gathered together again
in this house as in Noah’s Ark:
Blanca, Irene, María and other girls,
Jorge, Eliseo, Óscar, Rafael...
Let’s get to know each other quickly
and fornicate and forget ourselves.
The Ox, the Tiger, the Dove, the Alligator and the Ass, we all
drink together, and we walk on top of and run over each other
at this hour about to submerge in the nocturnal deluge.
Streaks of booze flash across the darkness of the pupils,
thunder and music contend with the noise of naked voices.
The house changes course and sails into the wee hours.
Who is holding your hand, Magdalena, buried in the pillows?
What a lovely occupation you have, to strip off your clothes
and light up the room!
Make love, my little dove, with all of your know-how:
your trained hands, your mouth, your eyes,
your expert heart!
Here we have the day’s head, Salome,
so that you dance in front of all the fiery eyes.
Be sure, Lesbia, not to take even a petal from our hands!
The house emerges from the whirlpool and time rises
like bitter flour. Here we are all together, fermenting,
our souls oozing from every pore.

Jaime Sabines
Translated by Colin Carberry

«Diario semanario y poemas en prosa» (1961)

español Original version

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