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Place of love, place in which I've lived
at a distance, you-disregarded,
beloved whom I've silenced, glance I Haven't seen,
lie I told myself and didn't believe:
at that moment when each of us, alone,
in tears, hatred, death, loved the other,
I am-who knows if I am, if I ever was!-
loving you, crying for myself, astray.

(This is the last time that I'll love you.
I mean it.)

And that I don't know, and haven't learned,
I've learned here and now, with you.

My heart burgeoned in you;
in you, my grief was wrought.
Sweetheart, my place of refuge,
silence in which I'm tormented.

(When I look in your eyes
I think of a child.)

There are times, times when you're so distant
I tell you everything.

Your heart on your sleeve, your hands,
your lost so poor and simple heart renewed,
and this your seeking me in places I've never been:
at times, whatever you do, or don't do,
you do just to be fighting with yourself.

Ghost girl, my sweetheart, girl-look what
nonsense was uttered by my deflated heart.

Jaime Sabines
Translated by Colin Carberry

«Horal» (1950)

Voice: Jaime Sabines Voice: Jaime Sabines
español Original version

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