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No vessel torn to shreds by solid rock
with more repentance ever reached the shore,
nor bird escaping from the outstretched net
did fly more fearfully into the wood;

a lovely nymph with her uncertain foot
never with such affliction or alarm
fled from green meadow, where, hidden from view,
a serpent basked 'neath nature's verdant hood,

as I, O Love, the haughty temperament,
the yellow tresses and the lovely eyes
run fleeing now, my feet no longer bound,

of my foe, whom I celebrate in vain.
Farewell, cruel nymph; with her may you remain,
hard rock, gold net, and happy meadow's ground.


Luis de Góngora y Argote, 1584
Translation by Alix Ingber


facsímil Facsímil Manuscrito Chacón (1628) Tomo I. Poema LXXXV.
ruso Перевод П. Грушко
ruso Перевод В. Резниченко
español Original version

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