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Like one pulls the blade from a wound,
I tore my love for her out of my heart
although as I did it, I felt that my life
            was torn out with it.

I removed her image from the pedestal
which my love had erected in my soul,
and the light of faith that had burned on it
was extinguished before the empty altar.

But her stubborn vision still entered my mind
to struggle against my firm determination…
When will I be able to sleep, with this dream
            which keeps me awake!


Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
English Translation by Armand F. Baker

«Rimas» (Edición 1871)
Libro de los gorriones (nº1)

manuscrito / manuscript Manuscrito BNE
Voice: Antonio Mula Franco Voice: Antonio Mula Franco

Voice: Leonelli Marcela Voice: Leonelli Marcela

español Original version

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