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Her hand held in mine,
her eyes on my eyes,
her loving head
resting on my shoulder,
God knows how often
we walked together
at a leisurely pace
under the tall elm trees
that cast dark shadows
over the entryway of her house!
And yesterday… scarcely a year
had passed, and like a breeze,
with such exquisite taste,
and with such great poise,
a gossipy friend told me,
when he encountered us:
«I believe I have seen you
somewhere.» Ah! Dummies,
you are the stylish
friends from the salons,
and you are looking for
gallant entanglements…:
What a tale you missed!
What a delicious feast
to be devoured
sotto voce hidden
behind a beautiful fan
of feathers and of gold!


Discrete and chaste moon,
lofty and thick-topped elms,
walls of her house,
threshold of her entryway,
be silent, and may you
never reveal our secret!
Be silent, since on my part
I have forgotten everything;
and as for her… there is no mask
that hides like her face!


Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
English Translation by Armand F. Baker

«Rimas» (Edición 1871)
Rima XL
Libro de los gorriones (nº66)

manuscrito / manuscript Manuscrito BNE
enlace Rafael Alberti - detrás del abanico de plumas de oro
Voice: Antonio Mula Franco Voice: Antonio Mula Franco

español Original version

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