RABBIT: timid brother! My teacher and philosopher!
Your life has taught me the lesson of silence.
For since in solitude you find your mine of gold,
the world's eternal onward march means nothing to you.
Tiny seeker after wisdom,
you leaf, as through a^book, the good and humble cabbage;
and like Saint Simeon, from your dark hole
you watch the evolutions of the swallows.
Ask your good God for a garden in Heaven,
a garden with crystal cabbages in glory,
a spring of fresh water for your tender nose,
and a flight of doves above your head.
You live in the odour of perfect sanctity.
The cincture of Father Saint Francis will touch you
on the day of your death. And in Heaven
the souls of children will play with your long ears!
Jorge Carrera Andrade
Translation by Dudley Fitts