Mary, magnified be,
with Daystar beside thee;
show the way where bide we
true to God and thou our guide be.
For thou art light that lost souls driven
near perdition, e'er with sin ill striven,
know that they with guilt sore riven
stand; but throught thee are forgive
and from their pride free
where they ne'er idly
let passion denied be
bout did all sense defied see.
Blessed Mary...
Thou canst reveal to us wayfaring
paths to tread in grace full sharing
to peerless Light, the trugh declaring,
that thou alone art graced in bearing;
for God would abide thee
and all provide He
but ne'er thee denied see
nor for thee grace e'er belied be.
Blessed Mary...
Well for us thy wisdom guiding
till in Paradise abiding
where God all joy and mirth providing
waits ever those in him confiding;
then would my joy descried be
shouldst thou but deign provide me
that rest on high beside thee
my soul where doth abide he
Blessed Mary...
Alfonso X el Sabio
Translation from James J. Wilhelm
Lyrics of the Middle Ages, ed. James J. Wilhelm. NY: Garland Publ., 1990, 244.