TIRSI —How I should love thee, Cloris, but...
CLORIS —But why?
TlRCIS —And wouldst thou have me tell thee?
CLORIS —And why not?
TlRCIS —It might annoy thee.
CLORIS What, annoyed! Not I!
TlRCIS Then I shall tell thee.
CLORIS —Quick reveal the plot!.
TlRCIS —Fain would I love thee, Cloris, but I knew...
CLORIS —I What knewst thou, Tircis?
TlRCIS —That on Sunday last
Thou didst vow to love another lad that passed
And never change.
CLORIS —My vows I will renew!
Andrés Bello
Translation by Thomas Walsh