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O flame of living love, That dost eternally
Pierce through my soul with so consuming heat,
Since there's no help above,
Make thou an end of me,
And break the bond of this encounter sweet.

O burn that burns to heal!
O more than pleasant wound!
And O soft hand, O touch most delicate,
That dost new life reveal,
That dost in grace abound,
And, slaying, dost from death to life translate!

O lamps of fire that shined
With so intense a light
That those deep caverns where the senses live,
Which were obscure and blind,
Now with strange glories bright,
Both heat and light to His beloved give!

With how benign intent
Rememberest thou my breast,
Where thou alone abidest secretly;
And in thy sweet ascent,
With glory and good possessed,
How delicately thou teachest love to me!


Saint John of the Cross
Translation by Arthur Symons

Saint John of the Cross

enlace Juan Gelman - En el gran cielo de la poesía
inglés Translation by A. S. Kline
ruso Перевод В. Васильева
inglés English translation (Kieran Kavanaugh & Otilio Rodriguez, OCD)
español Original version

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