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Path of other dreams we walked with evening;
a strange affair
deflowered us in the bliss of the flesh,
and my heart fluctuates
between her and the desolation of the journey.

In the throng of the platforms
sobs broke out all of a sudden;
afterward, all night,
I hear her laments
and her appeals
beneath my dreams.

The train is an iron gust
that ravages the scene and which unsettles everything.

I drain her remembrance
down to the bottom
of ecstasy,
and the faraway colors
of her eyes beat in my chest.

Today we go out together in the autumn
and the meadows will be yellow.

I thrill for her!
Uninhabited horizons of absence!

Tomorrow all will be
clouded with her tears,
and the lifetime that comes
is faint as a breath.


Manuel Maples Arce
Translated by Alexandra Becker

«Forbidden Poems» (1927)
II. Poems of Distance

español Original version

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