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I am the perfect

My boss is elegant
my boss is ever so discrete
he’s tall, he’s distinguished,
he’s the perfect boss.

When he comes and asks me:
‘Make me a copy’,
I am the perfect

My boss has a wife,
two kids and three maids,
his wife at least
knows nothing about it.

When he comes and tells me:
‘We are made for each other’,
I am the perfect

My boss has a mustang
and an apartment
where we go sometimes
his conscience and I.

So to keep him happy I say
‘It’s just a minor sin’,
I am the perfect

My boss behaves
like any other mature man
he disguises his paunch
when he dresses in the dark.

And when he yawns and says
‘Not today, I’m not well’,
I am the perfect

When my boss goes -
that old man, my boss -
I calm myself down and remain
alone in front of the mirror.

And I repeat to myself
that worn-out phrase:
‘I am the perfect


Mario Benedetti
Translated by Paul Archer

«Letras de emergencia» (1969-1973)
Versos para cantar

Canción / Song Canción: Nacha Guevara

español Original version

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