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You know how to hush.
Your naked mouth,
My love, smiles at me.
A hope—like a soul
Unfolding itself—
Hovers on your lips,
Takes shape, falls.
I'd like to fathom,
Rosy-blushing tenderness—
Your cool flesh, its conches.
With this kiss, beneath this kiss,
I seek you out,
I entreat all of you,
You—essential, happy, naked,
Radiant, consoling.
A consolation to the most far-flung
Abandonment of darkness,
The consolation of a plenitude
That affronts eternity.
You know how to hush.
Your naked mouth,
My love, smiles at me.


Jorge Guillén
Translated by Reginald Gibbons

«Cántico» (1919-1950)
Primera serie. Cántico. Fe de Vida
5. Pleno ser. II

español Original version

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