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Today from the Aurora's bosom
A pink has fallen — a crimson blossom;
And oh, how glorious rests the hay
On which the fallen blossom lay!

When silence gently had unfurled
Her mantle over all below,
And crowned with witner's frost and snow,
Night swayed the sceptre of the world,
Amid the gloom descending slow,
Upon the monarch's frozen bosom
A pink has fallen, — a crimson blossom.

The only flower the Virgin bore
(Aurora fair) within her breast,
She gave to earth, yet still possessed
Her virgin blossom as before;
That hay that colored drop caressed,—
Received upon its faithful bosom
That single flower, — a crimson blossom.

The manger, unto which 'twas given,
Even amid wintry snows and cold,
Within its fostering arms to fold
The blushing flower that fell from heaven,
Was a canopy of gold,—
A downy couch, — where on its bosom
That flower had fallen, — that crimson blossom


Luis de Góngora y Argote, 1621
Translated by H.W. Longfellow

Letrillas, romances...

facsímil Facsímil Manuscrito Chacón (1628) Tomo II. Letrillas XXIII.
enlace Lope de Vega - hoy son flores y rosas, mañana serán hiel.
español Original version

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Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807--1882). Complete Poetical Works. 1893.