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To Claudio Guillén

Through the laurel branches
I saw two doves of darkness.
The one it was the sun,
the other one was lunar.
I said: ‘Little neighbours
where is my tombstone?’
‘In my tail-feathers,’ the sun said.
‘In my throat,’ said the lunar.
And I who was out walking
with the earth wrapped round me,
saw two eagles made of white snow,
and a girl who was naked.
And the one was the other,
and the girl, she was neither.
I said: ‘Little eagles,
where is my tombstone?’
‘In my tail-feathers,’ the sun said.
‘In my throat,’ said the lunar.
Through the branches of laurel,
I saw two doves, both naked.
And the one was the other,
and the two of them were neither.


Federico García Lorca
Translation by A. S. Kline

«Diván del Tamarit» (1931-1934)

audio Voices: Carlos Cano y José Menese
español Original version

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